The Interpreters: British Internationalism and Empire in Southeastern Europe, 1870-1930 (Manchester University Press, 2025)
Edited Books
(with Gonda Van Steen and Joe Maiolo) The War for Anatolia and the Remaking of International Order: Greece, Turkey and the End of WWI (London: Bloomsbury, 2025 - see here)
Research Articles (Peer-review)
“Nationality before internationalism in the age of empire: Robert W. Seton-Watson and the shifting landscape of eastern Europe ”English Historical Review (forthcoming)
“A world safe for empires? A. J. Toynbee and the internationalization of self-determination in the East (1912–1922)” Global Intellectual History, 6(4), pp. 484–505
(co-authored with Dr. Kate Papari and Dr. Efi Gazi), “Rethinking Hellenism: Greek Intellectuals Between Nation and Empire, 1890–1930” Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Volume 39, Number 1, May 2021, 163-189.
“Introduction: Britain, European Civilization and the idea of Liberty”, History of European Ideas Vol.46, Issue 5 (2020), 539-544 DOI:10.1080/01916599.2020.1746073
“Restaging the Eastern Question: A.J. Evans and the origins of European Civilization in the Balkans”, History of European Ideas Vol.46, Issue 5 (2020), 601-13
“A World Safe for Empires? A.J. Toynbee and the Internationalisation of self-determination in the East”, Global Intellectual History, forthcoming
“Internationalism between National Questions and Imperial Considerations: Henry Noel Brailsford and the transformations of Central and Eastern Europe (1898-1919)”, History of European Ideas, Vol.44, Issue 2 (2018), 244-259.
“A British ‘International’ Humanitarianism? Humanitarian Interventions in Eastern Europe (1875-1906)’, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Vol. 34, Issue 2 (2016), 299-320. ISSN: 1086-3265
Peer Reviewed Review Essays
Contrary to academic conventional wisdom I enjoy writing lengthy review essays, and visual essays. In 2016 I published a visual essay titled Depicting the Pain of Others: Photographic representations of refugees in the Aegean shores for the Journal of Greek Media and Culture
In 2017 I published an essay at the Journal Modern Intellectual History on Anglo-American thought and world politics in the age of empires
In 2020 I published an open-access review of new work on modern European history for Contemporary European History titled “An ages of Ages: Empire, Nations and their Discontents”
Book Chapters
(with P. Karagkounis) “Forced Migrations, Humanitarianism and Human Trafficking: the case of the Anatolian Greeks revisited” in Violetta Hionidou and Dimitris Skleparis, Across the Aegean: A century of forced migrations between Greece and Turkey, 1922-2022 (London, Routledge 2025: in production)
(with J. Lialiouti) “British propaganda in WWI Greece” in Dimitris Kamouzis and Alexandros Nafpliotis eds., The Near East and the post-colonial world: Britain, Greece and Cyprus, ca. 1900-1960 (London: Ashgate, 2025: in production)
(with I. Zarikos) “Syriza, Podemos, Venceremos? Internationalism in the shadow of the European debt crisis” in Brolsma, De Bruin, Couperus, Johnston-White and Lok, ed. Beyond Left and Right? Antiliberal Internationalism in the Twentieth Century (London: Routledge, 2025)
“Becoming National: Self-Determination as a tool of international politics” in Jan Stöckman and Thomas Botellier, Instruments of International Order: Internationalism and Diplomacy in the first half of the twentieth century (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2024)
‘Legacies of neutrality, The propaganda battle and the Greek ‘National Schism’ at the local level in Edward Corse and Marta García Cabrera, Propaganda and Neutrality: global case studies in the 20th Century (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023)
“British war propaganda and the Asia Minor campaign”, in Dimitris Kamouzis ed. Greek soldiers, the Asia minor campaign and Interwar Greece (Athens: Estia, 2022) [in Greek].
“Once upon a time in Asia Minor: Arnold and Rosalind Toynbee's Frames of the Greco-Turkish War in Anatolia (1919-22)” in P. Carabott, Y. Hamilakis and E. Papargyriou eds., Camera Graeca: Photographs, Narratives, Materialities, (London: Ashgate, 2015), 213-233.
“Edward W. Said’s Gramscian moments” in L. Kotsonopoulos, Y. Voulgaris eds., In Antonio Gramsci’s trails: Politics and Culture from the Nation-State to Globalization, (Athens: Themelio, 2010 – in Greek).